Are you ready to accept Jesus? - JESUS MINISTRY

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Are you ready to accept Jesus?

Are you ready to accept Jesus as your Lord and personal Savior?
This is the most important relationship of your life !
If you are ready to accept Jesus into your life as your Savior and Lord, I encourage you to say the following prayer from the heart. This is just guidelines incase you dont know what to say.

Prayer of Salvation:
My Lord Jesus Christ, I come into Your presence to submit my life into Your Arms.

I believe you are the Son of God and that you died on the Cross of Calvary because of my Sin.

I am asking you Lord to forgive me all my sins as I am confessing and repenting my sins right now.

You are a loving God and I thank you because you have forgiven me. I ask you to come into my life and I am accepting you as my Lord and Personal Savior.

Lord mark me with Your Blood, redeem and protect me from Satan and eternal death.
In the mighty name of JESUS. (Amen)

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